What did Arin Hankerd do? Charges explored as Florida gym teacher arrested for exploiting teen stud

Publish date: 2024-06-24

A Florida rec center educator distinguished as Arin Hankerd has been captured after he improperly contacted a 15-year-old understudy in February.

Hankerd was captured on February 10 for the supposed episode that potentially occurred in January. New charges were recorded against him as of late guaranteeing that he had oral s*x with an understudy of Central area Secondary School.

Trigger admonition: The article contains references to s*xual maltreatment of youngsters. Perusers’ tact is encouraged.

43-year-old Arin Hankerd purportedly contacted an understudy improperly while he was functioning as an instructor at Atlantic Secondary School toward the start of the year. On Tuesday, the Florida rec center educator has been accused of unlawful s*xual movement with a minor.

On February 17, he was delivered on an obligation of $250,000 bail with specific circumstances. Nonetheless, Circuit Judge Karen Foxman repudiated the bond and requested that Hankerd ought to be secured at the Volusia Area Branch Prison.

43-year-old Arin Hankerd, a rec center educator in Florida, was blamed for s*xually mishandling an underaged young lady
Hankerd was at first captured in February after he was blamed for contacting a 15-year-old understudy while he was working at Atlantic Secondary School.

He was then accused of two counts of salacious attack on an individual more established than 12 yet more youthful than 16, venturing out to meet a minor, vulgar show utilizing a PC by an individual 18 or more established including a casualty more youthful than 16, and offense against understudies by power figures.

As per the casualty’s mom, she tracked down references to an improper connection between the 15-year-old and the Florida educator. Not long after that, she reached the police to report the occurrence.

The casualty asserted that she and Hankerd at first had “typical and cordial discussions” and that he in some cases ate for her.

As per the police report, Hankerd purportedly sent unseemly voice notes and pictures through online entertainment stages. Police likewise affirmed that the improper s*xual contact previously occurred on January 30, 2023.

Soon after the capture, he was liberated on abandon February 17. He, notwithstanding, must be under electronic observing even in the wake of being delivered.

On Tuesday, extra charges were documented against the Florida educator after he was blamed for laying out a s*xual relationship with a 17-year-old understudy at Central area Secondary School in 2019.

After hearing the charges, Circuit Judge Karen Foxman repudiated his bond and he is as of now being secured once more. As indicated by Foxman:

“More direct, it is likewise showing an example that Mr. Hankerd has utilized his, influential place to go after weak casualties. Mr. Hankerd is a danger to the local area.”
The most recent charges have been featured after a lady connected with the police on February 20, blaming the Florida educator for being engaged with a particularly terrible wrongdoing. Associate State Lawyer Ashley Terwilliger said:

The episode supposedly occurred in 2019, and the then physical training educator purportedly welcomed the young lady to his place to perform such a demonstration.

Aaron Delgado, Hankerd’s protection legal advisor anyway asserted that he hasn’t been sentenced for any wrongdoing and that he has additionally followed every one of the circumstances and limitations set during the underlying capture in February.
