The Biggest Problem Finn Balor Has

Publish date: 2024-06-06
What a thread!

I'm going to agree with Pika here(entirely) and others who've expressed anti-Balor views.

I'm not being an Anti-Indy or Anti-cruiserweights hateful DB here but the thing is, I've just not connected with Balor, not in the least. The entrance schtick seems cool, but that's all.

Someone here said how whenever he talks it sounds robotic, sort of a monotone, and it immediately brought to my mind- Chris Benoit.

17 yrs ago as a heel, Chris Benoit actually showed some personality, even more than Balor does, and that's not much because he'd still sound sort of "weird" on the mic, and end all his promos with "Proveeeee me wrong!".

His gait, his straightface or even expressionless face which alternated with some intensity as he'd chop or collide against opponents, everything suggested almost a "machine" ..a "cyborg". Basically, he wasn't a gimmick, an entertainer, but an extremely intense "wrestler" and a far better Suplex Machine than Brock Lesnar has been in the last 5 yrs(or ever). The only other wrestler who could even compete with him in the "intense" and "suplex machine" department was Angle.

Besides, Benoit even though short was actually huge, even intimidating. JR actually said on one of the Raws from 2001 I've been watching.."Chris Benoit's in-ring ability is quite frankly scary at times".

What does Balor have for intensity?

On the mic, I doubt he'd even be as good as Benoit in 2000 with his "I'm THE best technical wrestler in the worrrrld todayyy" and "Prove me wronghhh".

I'd also like to bring up how "Demon King" thing is not scary at all, to a casual viewer, it might seem weird or funny. How can it not?

If short skinny guys could wear facepaint and scare people or be demonic, we'd all be larger-than-life like Taker a la 1990-1995.

Heck, I'd have my own Wrestlemania streak. *Dreaming*

I'd also say Bray Wyatt is barely creepy, but he's at least tall, plumpy, beardy, and rambles and laughs like a crazy bastard.

But if you want genuine creepy, scary, or larger-than-life,

just watch Big Van Vader vs Cactus Jack from 1992, how he actually punches and pounds Foley's face and forehead(it's genuinely uncomfortable to watch).

That's actually scary and evokes feelings.

Finn Balor trying to be a demon doesn't.
