50 Steph Curry-inspired Fantasy Basketball names to try for 2023-24 NBA season

Publish date: 2024-06-11

The 2023-24 season kicks off in less than 48 hours with Steph Curry and the Golden State Warriors taking on the Phoenix Suns on Tuesday's season opener. Curry has his sights set on another championship run and a return to the NBA Finals after a one-year absence.

The superstar guard, who has won four titles with Golden State and has played in the Finals six times since 2015 (2015-2019, 2022), is coming off a stellar campaign with averages of 29.4 ppg, 6.1 rpg and 6.3 apg, on 49.3 percent from the field, 42.7 percent from three and 91.5 percent from the free-throw line.

Given how crucial he is for the Warriors and with Chris Paul taking some burden off him regarding point guard duties, we should expect identical numbers from Curry this year.

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Aside from the start of the regular season, fantasy basketball is also about to begin, with players filling up their rosters and evaluating their draft options.

50 Steph Curry-inspired Fantasy Basketball Names to try for 2023-24 NBA season

Concerning Steph Curry, fantasy players have created some clever team names and Sports Feel Good Stories shared the 50 best Steph Curry-inspired ones.

  • Grandmaster Splash
  • Go Out For a Curry
  • Steph Boyardee
  • Steph Infection
  • Chef Curry With The Pot
  • Curry In A Hurry
  • C-Three-PO
  • Curry The Team Again
  • Curry Power
  • Curry Up and Shoot
  • Curry Up and Wait
  • Fast and Curryous
  • Get a Curry On
  • Instant Curry
  • Curry Up
  • Curry the Team on my Back
  • Curry-ed Back
  • Curry and Kabab
  • Weekend Warriors
  • All You Can Shoot Curry
  • Stay Calm and Curry On
  • Curry Beef
  • Curry a Torch For Scoring
  • Curry Express
  • The Golden Boy
  • Curry Favor
  • Don't Curry, Be Happy
  • Kerr's Curry Express
  • Most Stephenityly
  • Splash Bro
  • With The Pot Boi
  • Dasher and Splasher
  • 2 Fast 2 Curryous
  • Curry On My Wayward Son
  • Just As Impressive In Warmups
  • Curry: The Golden Touch
  • What, Me Curry?
  • Curry The Weight
  • Spicy Curry
  • You Can't Curry, Love
  • Rice and Curry
  • Steph
  • Chef Curry
  • The Golden Boy
  • King of the Three
  • The Human Torch
  • The Sniper
  • Trey Master
  • Steph BTA (Behind The Arc)
  • Baby-Faced Assassin
  • Steph Curry Fantasy Basketball for 2023-24 season

    Steph Curry wants to have another title run with the Warriors and Chris Paul's addition helps Golden State maintain its title-contending status, should they all remain healthy.

    Curry is expected to lead the way again and that goes for fantasy basketball numbers too, where he should be considered one of the top picks in the draft.

    Last season, Steph Curry appeared in 56 games and averaged 46.2 fantasy points for a total of 2,586. This year, the projection is an average of 43.4 fantasy points for a total of 3,333 in 77 games.

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